I would have given my right arm, in my youth, to wake up with my bangs sticking up off my head. A little tease here and there, a few squirts of White Rain and I’d be set. Life really would have been perfect if it happened to occur on picture day. The key to this astonishing feat: have a baby. Shortly thereafter, tiny hairs will begin to sprout and stick up all over. Jeremy thinks it’s hilarious that I have to clip my bangs down every morning when I get out of the shower in order to avoid the craziness that lasts ALL DAY no matter how high I set my flat iron. Oh, but when I forget… GAHHH! No balloon tricks here, people – that is ALL NATURAL!
One reply on “What’s UP?”
OK: that is not a pregnant thing, that is a getting older thing. “Little hair” started growing on my scalp around 28 and just recently stopped, so have fun with that and welcome to the porcupine era of your life.