Blogging Business Life in general

New Friends

Put me in front of a huge crowd and ask me to speak on pretty much any topic, and I’ll rock the house.  Public speaking is no big thang.  Push me into the same crowd and tell me to socialize?  I couldn’t come up with a coherent sentence to save my life.  Which is why, upon meeting me, people often come away with the impression that I’m either a total snob or a freak.  A freak I may be, but a snob I am not.

But if meeting new people is my kryptonite, alcohol is the antidote.  Get a glass or two of wine into me, and there’s no shutting me up.  I’ll share my life story and just about any personal information, if given the opportunity.  It speeds the getting to know you process quite a bit.

That said, I’ve made some new best good friends here at BlogHer.  It took me awhile, mainly because the wine didn’t start flowing till the evening hours.  But I schmoozed just about anybody who fell into my line of vision at the Closing Party at Macy’s.

These ladies work at BlogHer, and I chatted them up when I noticed them behind these fab shoes.  I didn’t get their business cards, darnit, and of course I can’t remember their names this morning.

Dawn Meehan and I discussed the practicality of some of the lingerie surrounding us.  I think I also talked to her about my uterus.  I told you my personal filter disappears.

Of course, K-Y was a sponsor, what with all the underwear around.  This nice lady, Adrianne, came all the way from Sweden to get her some free samples.

As I refilled my wine glass, I met Dana Kavan from the Chicago Examiner, bumped into VDog, compared thrift store finds with Cat, and gushed over Christine‘s amazing sense of style.

Moosh bought a purty new coat while we were there, and her BFF, Kim, bought a matching one in gray.

Headless Mom and I had to get in on some of that action, too.  I’m on the phone with Meghan, Queen of AllMediocre, who got lost on the way back from Macy’s.  I would have kept better track of her, except that I was helping the girls from (oops) wine carry a heavy box across the street.  I’m totally chivalrous like that.

Amy in Ohio called it a night, but we picked up the cutest couple in the universe, Heather and Mike Spohr.  We spilled wine all over Meghan’s floor and bedspread as we tested social norms by talking about everything from religion to our mothers.  Wait, does that sound like a wide range?  

Don’t worry, Mike, I won’t blog about your sunburn.  But only because you don’t look all that sunburnt in this photo.  

This morning, I blogged side-by-side with Bossy in the lobby, her mac next to my pc. 

Then Mocha Momma paid me the compliment of a lifetime by calling me fascinating, based on a tangent I went off on the night before on the Hmong community in my town.  Because, yeah, I know an inordinate amount of information about their culture and could easily give a speech about it.

But for someone to call me fascinating based on a conversation I had in a new social setting?  That, my friends, is a true testament to the power of wine.

15 replies on “New Friends”

i almost can’t wait for next year’s blogher fest. i will be there! i can’t wait! you guys look like you had tons of fun. sigh…getting over missing out.

I am SO glad that I met you this weekend! The only thing I’m sad about is that I didn’t meet you until the end of the last night! I loved hearing you all test those social norms.

Um, can we go back to blog camp next weekend?

But you ARE fascinating! Sitting there fluidly telling that story I lost track of time because I was swirling in your eyes as they lit up to talk about something that passionate.

Great meeting you. And standing next to you with Bossy to show, once again, that we are freakishly tall.

It was so great meeting you, and for the record, we did not get lost coming home from Macy’s, we just got delayed at the Bare Escentuals counter. Well, actually, now that I think about it, we did take the long away around, so I guess we were as lost as you can be when you’re in Union Square. Wish I’d been there Saturday night but I was so damn tired. If you have pix, please, please, please, send.

I am sooo the same way. I have no problems speaking in public. I’m your girl. But, ask me to just start up a convo with the person next to me and I’ll freeze in my tracks.

Give me a glass of Riesling (or two), (or three), and it’s ON!

Hejsan Andrea! What a great party @ Macy’s! I think it’s great we met at the KY sponsored party (giggles).

This was my first BlogHer and I loved it! You did a great job with your summary post, thanks.

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