Kids Life in general


I like heat.  Hot is good.  But even I have trouble transitioning from 50 degree weather to 100 degree weather with nothing in between. 

My kids, however?  They don’t mind it being 100 degrees in April, because they will jump on any excuse to get in the pool.

Me: Blythe, you want to go swimming?

Her: YEAH!!

Me: Oooh, it’s a little cold.

Alison: No it’s NOT! (cue shiver)

Me: Somehow, I don’t believe you.

Alison: OK, yes it is!  A little.  You should get in, anyway.

Me: No, thanks.  I’ll just watch from here.

Blythe: I splash you?

Me: You’d better NOT!

Blythe: Is not cold.  Feel, Mama.

Me: I did feel, and yes, it is col…. Aaaaak!  Alison, you little….

Alison: What?  I was practicing my kicks.

Blythe: Mama aaaaaalllll wet.

Me: You think it’s funny now, just wait till she gets YOU!

Me: That didn’t take long!

The nice thing about them swimming in the afternoons is I can wash them in the pool shower and skip the whole bath time meltdowns. 

What, you don’t let your children bathe outdoors? 

7 replies on “The HEAT”

It’s funny you should say that.
I was just trying to work out a cunning plan to get shampoo on my kids hair in the pool, so that they could wash it off while diving for rings and never know the difference.
I am worried the lifeguard might see the bubbles though.
Yes, we are the mugs who chose the lone house without a pool “for safety reasons”. And now my kids have dirty hair.

You guys are like my family in reverse– your older kid looks exactly like you, and the younger one looks like your husband.

They do that so it’s harder for you to yell at them. Or at least whichever one looks like you.

We never have bathtime meltdowns, but if we did, I would just lure them outside with soap in their pockets and then hose them down with freezing water. So basically I am all on board with your plan– go for it!

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