Food Health and Nutrition

Funny, I Don’t FEEL Cleaner

Hi, my name is Andrea and I am an addict.

A sugar addict.  I loves me some sugar.

In the past few months, I’ve been consuming more sugar than could possibly be healthy.  So, 8 days ago I started a 10-day sugar cleanse/fat-burning diet. 

I gave up sugar, carbs other than a piece of fruit every 3 days, and alcohol.  And since the Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino is the only coffee I like, I gave up coffee, too.  Go ahead, call me crazy.

The first few days were painful, I won’t lie.  The withdrawals were heinous.  I was cranky, tired, and irritable. 

And cranky.  And tired.  And irritable some more.

I ate more vegetables in a 7 day period than I had in the 6 prior months.  And, people?  I eat a lot of vegetables.  I also ate over two pounds of heavenly sugar-free, lower-sodium bacon.  Mmm, bacon.

I made it through a birthday party and an all-day anniversary party.  Cake smells delicious, do you know that?  And its scent can waft all the way across a yard and into the waiting nostrils of a person on day 6 of a 10-day sugar cleanse/fat-burning diet.

And when faced with all the deliciousness that is home-made potato salad, macaroni salad, and freshly baked rolls as far as the eye can see, a determined person can eat a plain garden salad with some cut up tri-tip sprinkled on top.

As long as that person has brought along a gallon of their own special iced tea, sweetened with Truvia, which, in case you didn’t know, is God’s gift to a person on a 10-day sugar cleanse/fat-burning diet who can’t have artificial sweeteners because they make her grow cysts in her mouth.  And possibly other places, but let’s not try it out to see where they’d grow next.

On day 7, (that’s 168 hours without sugar, in case you were counting) along came Father’s Day.  We had my parents over for dinner and they brought over a loaf of garlic bread.  I poured them some wine.  I may have whimpered.  And then my husband asked me to stop the damn diet and have some real food.

So I did.  I had half a loaf of garlic bread and 4 glasses of wine.  Today, I drank a pepsi.  But other than that?  I haven’t splurged.  Haven’t craved sugar, sugar, sugar all the live long day like I did before.

I may have only made it through 7 days, but I’m pretty sure I licked my sugar habit. 

It tastes like… bacon.

12 replies on “Funny, I Don’t FEEL Cleaner”

I bow to your greatness. Truly I do. The only way I could give up sugar was when I had gestational diabetes and HAD to. I also had to check my blood several times a day and take insulin. You’d think that might make it easier for me to stay away from the sugar afterwards, even though I don’t medically need to…but no. No control whatsoever.

Rule No. 1 – You can NEVER give up alcohol….(well within reason)…..
Rules No. 1 – 100 You can NEVER give up alcohol (within reason)….

But then I am an Aussiechic…… heehehehehe

So now you are a bacon addict? 😉

You are a stronger woman than I am. My downfall is cake, to the point that I cannot even keep any in the house. Asking me to give up sugars completely would turn me into a raging, snarling mess.

Well done, to get so far!

Hi Andrea!

I just stopped over from AllMediocre, and I feel your pain on this sugar thing. I am also an addict who tried to go on South Beach for 2 weeks and did okay… except when it came to the sweet, sweet wine. I like your blog! Glad I stopped by…

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