I’ve been doing a ton of research, trying to make the best possible decision for Blythe regarding the H1N1 vaccination. So much of the information I’ve found has been contradictory, which makes it hard to feel well educated on the issue.
After discussing our options with several of the medical professionals in Blythe’s life, I went into the weekend feeling torn. Even knowing there was a possibility that we could get our grubby little hands on one of the very rare preservative-free injectable vaccines, I was hesitant.
I stopped by PsychMamma’s blog, knowing that she also has a daughter with a compromised immune system, and was floored by the plethora of information she had to offer.
Not only does she have an amazing post up about the H1N1 Vaccine, she also has more than a dozen suggestions on how to fight the flu (H1N1 or otherwise), naturally. All of her tips are things that can be easily implemented, and I’m happy to say I discovered that we’d already been doing several of them here at home.
With so much great information, I feel like we’ve got our dukes up, ready to fight the flu season mano-a-mano.
Take a moment and head over there, will you? It will only take a moment, but could save you and your family from getting sick.
Seriously, what are you waiting for? GO!
3 replies on “Put ’em Up!”
Wow. Incredibly flattered by your recommendation! Hoping that the information at my site will help as many people as possible.
Especially hoping that your family can ward off serious illness and that Blythe stays healthy. I know firsthand how difficult the vaccination decision is for a child that you know reacted poorly in the past.
Sending hugs and healthy vibes your way!
Thanks for the link I have been a little freaked out. Not sure if we should get the shot or not. Heading over to read right now!!
okay, okay. I’m going!