An acquaintance of ours recently found out she is pregnant. “Congratulations!” I said, “When are you due?” because that is the natural course of such a conversation. And guess what? She is already FIVE MONTHS pregnant. She is due 2 weeks after her son’s first birthday. I hyperventilated a little right around that time because I have a tendency to over-empathize. I mean, dang.
I was their childbirth educator and we discussed the whole “child spacing” thing in class. I know they had planned to wait a few years before having any more children. So where is that pesky IUD she had, anyway? The doctor says that after the baby is born (it’s a girl, by the way), they’ll “take a look around” to see if it passed up into her pelvis. I think she would have noticed if it had passed the other way. Wouldn’t you?
Can I just be completely honest and say, this would be my worst freaking nightmare. Jeremy’s been taken care of but even that’s not 100% accurate. It’s for just that reason that I take a pregnancy test on the 15th of every month. What? Pregnancy tests come in bulk, too, just like toilet paper and other necessities of life. I actually look forward to it, because I love being able to say “I’m not pregnant!” and know it with absolute certainty. Even though it’s the 1st, I went ahead and took a test after speaking with this woman today, because it has been two whole weeks since I could say:
“I’m not pregnant!” Thank God.