Years ago I read somewhere that to be successful at writing (or acting, or whatever your craft may be) you should think of your audience as you work. Without your audience, “they” said, you would be less able to fully engage yourself.
Originally, this blog was supposed to be a spin off of my childbirth education website. But if you were to go back and read those first posts (and believe me, I’m not encouraging you to do that) you would see how dry and bo-ring they were. I hardly ever posted back then, because even I didn’t have any interest in reading something so… stiff.
But then I decided to find my audience. Who could I write to, and feel completely at home with myself? That answer was easy: my best friend of 17 years, Rachel. Not only has she encouraged me to continue writing in many ways over time, but I also know that no matter what I say, she’s not going to laugh at me. Well, she might, but it’s in a totally nice, non-judgmental way.
Whenever I sit down here to write a post, I pretend like I’m writing to Rachel. She gets my sense of humor, and she loves me despite my quirks. I can just be. It’s incredibly liberating. Rachel is my audience of one – and the reason I’m able to get over my self-doubt enough to write things for all the world to see.
The difference between the dull posts of my first 5 or so months here, and everything after that, is plain to see: Rachel helps me to be a better me.
Do you have an audience, or are you able to hone your skills for yourself alone?
Category: Blogging Business
This is Meghan. And yes, this is the only non-blurry photo I have of her – so deal with it, OK? It’s hard to take good photos when you’re more worried about your wine than setting up the shot.
She is one hard working lady. Not only does she run her own blog, she also has a family to take care of, and a business to run with her husband. On top of all that, she is the madam of AllMediocre, which is the place to be, in case you don’t know. She’s even convinced some AllTop members to consider defecting. Meghan has generously arranged to give away FREE STUFF all week long – not just for AllMediocre members, not even just for bloggers.
So head on over to AllMediocre to get the details on some fabulous prizes. Some time this week, a See’s Candies gift card and a pound of fresh, garden-grown, salmonella-free tomatoes will be up for grabs, donated by yours truly. There will be at least two giveaways every day so what are you waiting for? And speaking of procrastination, if you have a blog and haven’t joined AllMediocre yet, get right on that.
* Blogging business has officially been taken care of. Your regularly scheduled programming will commence tomorrow. I promise! *
New Friends
Put me in front of a huge crowd and ask me to speak on pretty much any topic, and I’ll rock the house. Public speaking is no big thang. Push me into the same crowd and tell me to socialize? I couldn’t come up with a coherent sentence to save my life. Which is why, upon meeting me, people often come away with the impression that I’m either a total snob or a freak. A freak I may be, but a snob I am not.
But if meeting new people is my kryptonite, alcohol is the antidote. Get a glass or two of wine into me, and there’s no shutting me up. I’ll share my life story and just about any personal information, if given the opportunity. It speeds the getting to know you process quite a bit.
That said, I’ve made some new best good friends here at BlogHer. It took me awhile, mainly because the wine didn’t start flowing till the evening hours. But I schmoozed just about anybody who fell into my line of vision at the Closing Party at Macy’s.
These ladies work at BlogHer, and I chatted them up when I noticed them behind these fab shoes. I didn’t get their business cards, darnit, and of course I can’t remember their names this morning.
Dawn Meehan and I discussed the practicality of some of the lingerie surrounding us. I think I also talked to her about my uterus. I told you my personal filter disappears.
As I refilled my wine glass, I met Dana Kavan from the Chicago Examiner, bumped into VDog, compared thrift store finds with Cat, and gushed over Christine‘s amazing sense of style.
This morning, I blogged side-by-side with Bossy in the lobby, her mac next to my pc.
Then Mocha Momma paid me the compliment of a lifetime by calling me fascinating, based on a tangent I went off on the night before on the Hmong community in my town. Because, yeah, I know an inordinate amount of information about their culture and could easily give a speech about it.
But for someone to call me fascinating based on a conversation I had in a new social setting? That, my friends, is a true testament to the power of wine.
Going, Going… GONE!
I made it to BlogHer! I’m sitting here at the Opening Key Note, learning about hybrid media with the sound of fingers tap-tap-tapping away on keyboards around me. I’ve never seen so many laptops in one place!
You know what else I’ve never seen so much of in one place? FREE stuff. I’m carrying around at least a 10 pound bag of freebies. I lost my awesome Sigg water bottle within the first 10 minutes, but what did I find waiting for me at breakfast? A FREE Sigg bottle. These BlogHer people sure know their audience.
So far everyone has been incredibly nice and super, super friendly. I’ve heard that the content of the sessions leaves something to be desired, but I’m looking forward to finding out for myself. If I’m not impressed, well, the wine starts flowing early in these parts!
For those of you who aren’t at BlogHer but WISH you were, go on over to Mommypie for BlogHerNot 08.
Cute Shoes
I’m totally lame and never got around to putting up my BlogHer buttons for the conference coming up in San Francisco this weekend. Better late than never though, right? So check out my new bling to your left.
While I was picking THAT one, I couldn’t help but notice THIS one:
What would the button be, without the shoes to prove it?
The BEST part is that they are the most comfortable shoes on the planet. I’ve been wearing them for two days straight, and my feet have yet to complain, even once. As soon as I get back, I’m going to Target and getting a pair in every color.
Excessive? Maybe. But according to me, one can never own too many pairs of cute, comfortable shoes!
* They’re called “Sydney” if you’re interested in getting a pair for yourself *