Food Life in general

April = A Fresh Start

Since Blythe and I will be egg-free for April at least, and Jeremy is losing weight for his next arm-wrestling tournament (May 17th), I am just going to jump into April with a whole new way of eating.  I used to be so good about proper nutrition, and limiting the amount of sugar I consumed.  I even gave up sugar for awhile.  Even though it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, I felt SO GOOD once I got past the initial withdrawal stage.

Today is Tuesday, which is the day I create our menu and grocery list for the week.  So it’s the perfect opportunity for me to expand my horizons and give up the GOODS, so to speak.  Wish me luck, people, because I am NOT putting “pepsi” on my list.  I’m going to go back to decaf mint tea (iced) and hopefully that will do it for me. 

Oh April, hopefully you WILL come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.  At least as far as my cravings go!

Letters Life in general

I love me some Thin Mints

Dear Mail Lady  Postal Carrier,

I’ll get right to the point and say, I know I’ve been a difficult customer and I don’t mean to be.  I can understand why you might have sensed some hositility from me, what with me getting upset with you for honking your horn like you were stuck in a New York Traffic Jam every time you came here to deliver a package.  It’s just that I have a baby who takes a nap every afternoon, and you have a knack for showing up just a few minutes after she’s fallen asleep.  I meant it when I said I didn’t mind coming to you to get the package if you would kindly honk only once.  But you must have misunderstood.  I didn’t mean I’d come to the post office.  I shop online to avoid dragging my kids all over town and if I have to go to the post office every time I get a package, it kind of defeats the purpose.  I would have talked to you directly about it, but you seemed to be avoiding my driveway.  So, sorry if I got you in any trouble when I complained to your supervisor.  Oh, and then, sorry if I got you in trouble, again, the following week.  But when I told your supervisor it was OK with me for you to leave packages on the sidwalk so you didn’t have to walk the 10 feet to my door, I kind of expected you to place the package on the sidewalk.  Do you have a second career as a paper delivery person?  ‘Cause you totally nailed the sidwalk at, what, 15 miles per hour? Or was it more like 20?  I tried to flag you down, but you must not have seen me in the rear view.  Don’t worry though, those crystal vases were double insured, so no harm done.

Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for any misunderstanding there may have been, and ask you to help me locate a package I’ve been expecting.  I ordered some Girl Scout Cookies from my friend Tana’s daughter back in January, see.  I got a box for the kids, a box for my husband, and a box or 6 for myself.  I even lost a few pounds in anticipation of eating those boxes guilt-free when they arrived.  Tana emailed, oh, about 3 weeks ago and said she’d be mailing them out.  Every day, I trot down the the mailbox.  As yet, there is no package.  I’d ask Tana to clarify the mailing date, but she went to Las Vegas for the week because she’s a fabulous photographer, and I just know she wouldn’t up and leave without sending me my ‘scout cookies.  And I probably could have waited for her return.  It’s just that… it’s almost the end of March and ‘scout cookies, as you may know, only come around once a year.

I spotted some brown flecks that had a hint of chocolatey, minty goodness to them on my phone bill yesterday.  I may or may not have licked it (for clarification purposes) to be sure.  And, mail lady,  postal carrier, there is only one person who could have been dropping thin mint crumbs on my mail.  If you surrender the rest of the boxes on the door step, maybe we can be friends.

Sincerely Yours,

Entertainment Life in general

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I almost skipped today’s post.  So far I haven’t missed a day in March, so although I thought about skipping out, in the end I succumbed to the call of the computer.  Why did I come so close to skipping today, you ask?  No, I wasn’t in a Saint-Patrick’s-Day drunken stupor (although, as soon as I’m done breast feeding my first order of business is going to be to (get a babysitter and then) drink as many pina coladas and strawberry margaritas as possible in one sitting without vomiting.  Natasha, are you in on this or what?) but rather, I have caught some nasty head cold and even had to take  a nap today.  Fortunately I’ve got a little cushion before my next deadline needs to be met – Kim’s shower invitations are all buttoned-up , thanks to this wonderful creation they call ZOTS, and all that needs to be finished is the printing and mailing.  The dreaded April 15th IRS wolf-at-the-door is less than a month away, yes, but I’ve got all the necessary stuff for that in my inbox for tomorrow and once I get it all organized, the fabulous accountant will take care of the rest.  Well, except for paying the bill and OUCH, I am not looking forward to THAT one.  Do you know that in all my years (I’m allowed to say that now that I’m in my 30’s), this will be the first time I won’t be receiving a refund but instead sending $$$?  It hurts, yes it does.  Being a bona-fide grown up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, my friends.

So anyway, I’ve got this nasty head cold and my nose is running like a faucet, yet is completely blocked at the same time.  My ear hurts, my face is swollen, my temples throb.  Whine, whine.  And yes, I would like some cheese with that.

Life in general

I cheated

OK, so I tried to cheat.  I knew today was going to be a busy day, and so I wrote today’s blog post yesterday, then snuck on here to publish it just now.  Only, apparently, it puts the date you originally wrote the post, not the date you published it.  So, dang.  Oh well.  Now I’m posting this!  Aren’t you relieved?  I know, this is kind of cheating, too.

Kids Life in general

Play Pretend


Alison: Mommy, why are you wearing those?

Me: To cover my eye.

Alison: Are you going to pretend to be somebody else?

Me:  Maybe.  Who should I be?

Alison:  Um.  Tante Rae?

Me: (Uncontrollable laughter) OK, I’ll be Tante Rae today.

                  (the fabulous tante rae)