Motherhood and Pregnancy Parenting

Pregancy Questions & Answers

Why am I itchy all the time?  Why do I feel like I’m trying to poop a brick?  Will my toes look like sausages forever?  What’s this thing hanging out of my butt?

Maybe you’re pregnant.  Maybe you’re not.  Either way, I’m going to make Pregnancy Q&A a regular here on Sweet Life.  A recent visit with my friend Jocelyn (hi Jos!), helped me to remember the reason I started this website to begin with.  Leave your questions in the comment section.

Q:  Why am I itchy all the time and what can I do about it?

A:  Dry, itchy skin is very common during pregnancy.  The increased estrogen slows oil production, and your skin is being stretched at a rapid rate, as well.  The best remedies for dry skin are to stay hydrated, use a moisturizing body wash rather than soap, and apply lotion or oil to damp skin immediately after you shower.  I used Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Apricot Oil and it left my skin feeling amazing.  Don’t worry – you won’t go around leaving oil spots on the furniture.  Your dry skin will soak the oil right up.  It’s great for preventing stretch marks, too!

Now, if we’re talking feminine itch, you’ve probably got either a yeast or a fungal infection.  Those dang hormones go changing everything, making your girly bits more susceptible to these types of problems.  Check with your medical professional about the best course of action.  Don’t ignore it and think it will go away on its own: it won’t.

Q:  Why do I feel like I’m trying to poop a brick and please, God, make it stop.

A:  Ahh, constipation.  First of all, the increased progesterone in your system is probably the culprit.  It signals the body to slow down the digestive process so that your body can squeeze every last nutrient out of your food.  So yeah, you are trying to poop a brick. 

Your best course of action any time you’re constipated, but especially during pregnancy, is to remember the two F’s: fluids and fiber.  I know you’re tired of peeing every twenty minutes, but be sure to drink at least 64 ounces of fluids (especially water) every day.  A moist brick is easier to pass than a dry one, no?  And fiber is like adding water to the slip-n-slide that is your digestive system.  Go ahead and try to slide down without fiber, but chances are you’re going to get stuck.

Q:  Will my toes look like sausages forever?

A:  Fortunately, no.  However, many women have found that their feet go up a half size or so during pregnancy and never go back.  To increase circulation to your feet, you can do little foot circles in 10 rep sets throughout the day.  In addition, put your feet up (no higher than heart level) for 15 minutes through out the day, whenever you’re able.  If you’re pregnant in the summer, putting your feet in cool water for any amount of time can help cool you and reduce swelling at the same time.

Q:  What’s this thing hanging out of my butt?

A:  That would be a hemorrhoid, which is a type of varicose vein.  Another common ailment of pregnancy, they sometimes don’t show until you’re pushing your baby into the world.  They can be fairly uncomfortable, so try to increase the circulation to the area by doing kegel exercises (you should be doing these anyway, for many reasons).  Try not to push too hard while pooping that brick, and take care of constipation as quickly as possible to avoid getting hemorrhoids or making them worse.  There are many over-the-counter items you can purchase to ease hemorrhoid pain.  If you’re looking for a cheap, easy remedy, try freezing cotton balls soaked in witch hazel and putting them where it hurts. 

Andrea Edwards is an ICEA certified Childbirth Educator.  No advice given here should supersede that of your medical professional.

Blogging Business Life in general

Home Office

Sometimes it’s hard to get anything done around here.  I’ve learned that if I’m not doing at least three things at any given moment, I’m just not making good use of my time.  Even if, on some rare occasion, one of the kids or animals doesn’t need my attention, the pile of stuff called my “inbox” is calling my name.  Don’t get me wrong, having a home office is great in so many ways.  But as you might imagine, I don’t get to leave work at work.  Self-employment also means that I don’t get to browse my favorite blogs while I’m supposed to be working.


So many blogs to peruse, but so little time.  I’ve recently joined, as you may have noticed by the cute button on your left.  When you’re done here, click on over and check it out.  It’s a new site that’s allowing mediocre great bloggers to increase traffic on their sites while taking on a more active role in the blogging community.  So when is a girl supposed to read all her awesome new blogs, or for that matter, write her own?  The answer is, whenever and wherever she can.

On a side note: Jeremy and I had some fun with the camera and laptop today, fulfilling
Bossy’s request for her readers to send in a photo of themselves on the computer.  Extra bonus: I found out my wi-fi does come in by the play area and by the pool.  Score!

Food Life in general Motherhood and Pregnancy

Wine and… Baby Cereal?

I love a good glass of wine.  And when I say good, I don’t mean that in an I know what I’m talking about sort of way.  No, unfortunately all those educational wine tours of the Napa Valley were wasted on my undiscriminating palate.  I don’t know a wine with good aroma from a stinky glass of squished grapes.  But when I find something I like, and can enjoy it in my thin-lipped, over-sized, free glass from Twomey?


That is what I call a good glass of wine.  Specifically, this is Beringer’s White Merlot and although you wine connoisseurs may scoff at my choice, it goes down smooth and tastes great chilled.  I got enough of that room temperature beverage thing living in Europe in my younger days, thank-you-very-much, so I’m not a fan of the red wine.  Well, that and the fact that it gets me drunk faster than doing tequila shots off of Jeremy’s belly.

So tonight, the baby is in bed, Alison is out swimming with her dad, and I am free to enjoy the bottle of White Merlot I finally found in stock.  I just had to find my favorite wine glass first.  Is it telling that boxes of baby food have taken over the cupboard where the wine glasses are kept, and I only just now noticed?

Life in general Ranch Life

Little faces

We’re still not getting puppies, despite the fact that we visit them several times every day.  And despite a certain 4-year-old’s promises that she’d pick up the poo if we let her have just one.  She even offered up her fish, Alluah, as a sacrificial lamb.  Unfortunately, I am the only one who remembers to feed Alluah and clean his bowl, so I’m highly doubting the longevity of any promises made about picking up real poop.  Also?  Alison thinks the puppies will continue to be this approximate size and cuteness, forever.

And cute they are.  Just yesterday the little poopers started walking, exploring the world around them.  It’s adorable how they scoot backwards and how their big round bellies are too heavy for their hind legs, causing a sprawl followed by a plop.  This one even played with my fingers yesterday, complete with a little growl.  Oh, puppies, puppies, puppies.

And Proud Mama, can’t forget her.

Since I’ve been hanging around our tenant’s house at all hours of the day, I’ve gotten some information about how Girly-girl (I’m not sure “Shelbi” fits, so she’s just Girly for now) and her pups ended up there.  It seems that where she lived before, there were other dogs.  One of them, a female, stole and killed five of Girly-girl’s pups.  People?  If there is anything that will win my heart faster than a fuzzy cute face and gentle demeanor, it is a sad story.  My heart bleeds, I tell you, bleeds.


Wacky Cake : A Cautionary Tale

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before, but I’m a great wife.  So when it comes time for Jeremy to have a birthday, I like to give him what he wants.  Keep your minds out of the gutter, people – what he likes is stuff like ice cream and cake.  I’m normally pretty handy in the kitchen, but ever since this whole no-egg, no-corn thing, I’m a rookie chef all over again.  Fortunately, there’s this great thing called the innernets, or something, that allows me to search for (and find!) recipes for just about everything.

Case in point: I found a recipe for Wacky Cake which originates from the South during the Depression Era.  Ergo, it has no eggs because all the chickens dried up back then. 

To make a Wacky Cake you combine all of the dry ingredients in a bowl:

1 1/2 cups whole wheat graham flour (any old flour will do for you non-allergics)
1 cup organic sugar
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp granular sea salt
Once these are nice and stirred up, you make three wells (2 small, 1 large) for your wet ingredients, which are 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp vinegar, 5 tbsp vegetable oil:

Does anyone else see a creepy face in the bowl?  Maybe that’s why it’s called Wacky Cake.

Next you pour a cup of cold water over the top of the creepy face, and stir until moistened.  Pour into a small cake pan, bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes, and voilĂ .  You’re a great wife, just like me.

Well, wait.  Maybe not yet.  When the wacky cake recipe tells you to wait until the cake is cool before removing it from the pan, they don’t just mean not hot.  And also?   You’ll need some frosting on your cake, but if you’re looking to make a no-egg, no-corn frosting, you’d better do some more searching.  If one of your favorite bloggers happens to post a recipe for frosting that contains no egg or corn mere days before you need one, maybe God is smiling down on you, and angels are singing hallelujah.  Or you could just be lucky, but whatever.  Only, people?  When she says beat until stiff, you and your husband can go ahead and snicker all you want.  But don’t think that pretty stiff is good enough, just because your arm is tired.  Go back to elementary school where you learned how to follow directions, because otherwise this is what your cake will look like:

When your husband’s birthday cake looks like that, you may not earn your great wife rating from your efforts in the kitchen, alone.  You’ll end up like me, making another batch of Wacky Cake batter, and busting out the mixer again and getting a sore arm again, until the mixture truly is stiff.  All for a dozen or so cupcakes, which your daughter will thoroughly enjoy frosting in her own unique style.

You’ll offer up your tasty confections when your husband arrives home from work.  You and your kids will sing him “Happy Birthday” and maybe give him a foot rub (not to say any of this actually happened).  Once again, you’ll be thought of as a great wife.  If you happen to have a great husband, he’ll go ahead and eat your falling apart, drippy wacky cake without complaint, anyway.