Blythe is a nipple biter. Not just an occasional biter, but an all the time, every time biter. She’ll bite till I bleed. She’ll bite so that I have to ram a finger into her mouth to pry her jaws apart. Telling her “no” (like the books say) just makes her laugh and do it again.
It was getting painful, so for the past couple of months I’ve been pumping every 3 hours and giving her a bottle. I’ve learned how to do just about everything while pumping. In fact, I’m pumping right now! It’s going really well, although she does wake to nurse at least once in the night. Half-asleep Blythe bites less often than fully-alert Blythe, apparently.
But oh, my poor nipples. The pump sucks them out so far, so often, that they are starting to stay that way. Formula is a lost cause (she can detect even a sprinkle of it in her food), so I’ve got at least another 4 months of this battery-operated suction action. Here I am with these big ol’ stretched out, scabby nips. Maybe band-aids will push them back in?