Food Home and Garden Kids

Inchworm: Friend or Foe?

One of the perks of living out in the country is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available to us whenever we feel like picking some up. 

Right now, we’re eating our fill of peaches because they are about to go out of season.  And by the way, fresh, ripe peaches straight from the tree?  Delicious.  And paying a couple of dollars for a whole box of them?  Also delicious, but in a whole other way.

Oh, and have I forgotten to introduce you to my daughter’s newest “pet”?

She keeps him in a mason jar in her room, and feeds him cut up peaches.  He’s peach colored, too, so sometimes it’s hard to spot him in there.

Are you sensing where I’m going with this?

We discovered him on the table, under a napkin, after we finished a feeding frenzy involving about a half dozen (thoroughly washed) peaches.  I’m hoping he was a loner, and didn’t have a family.

Regardless, I think I’m done eating peaches…. at least for now.  But maybe forever.

Food Products and Reviews

Ode to a Turkey Pot Pie

Ode to a Turkey Pot Pie

*, **, ***

Oh what could be better
than a Turkey Pot Pie
for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

(Minus the pounds
it so lovingly deposits
on my hips.)

Elusive frozen pot pie
with your one hour bake times,
I avoided your siren call.

With my own two hands,
in half the time,
for years and years and years now.

But what did mine eyes see
in the frozen entrée aisle,
waiting for me?

Marie Callenders, with her fancy ways,
created a “poofy pocket”
for the microwave.

Pot Pie,
Pot Pie,
my Turkey Pot Pie.

I love how you sigh
when I poke your crust
with my fork.

For what could be more appetizing
than a delicious, flaky crust and
a creamy, veggie filling?

No trip to Mimi’s,
no dough on my hands.

Just a pop in the microwave
and a fork.



What’s YOUR heavenly food?


*     This fabulous plate is only $2.50 at Target!
**   But is not microwaveable.
*** And also serves as proof that children’s plates don’t have to be tacky.

Food Life in general Parenting

Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde

I woke up yesterday morning feeling like I’d been out partying hard all night.  I don’t have to describe the symptoms to you, do I?  You know what they are.  But the thing is, I hadn’t had a drop of alcohol.  Of course, I didn’t have a great night of sleep – but it wasn’t any worse than all the nights before it.  I was crabby all day, and Alison was getting on my nerves.  What the heck happened to the sunshine that normally radiates from every orifice of my body?  Let’s review.

Wednesday was date night, and I decided I was going to cheat -just a little- on the no corn/egg diet.  I figured I could pump and dump, now that my breast milk supply is going strong again.  I really have no idea how long it takes food to metabolize and get into my supply, but I figured a 12 hour window would probably do it. 

And anyway, like  said.  It was just a little cheat.  I shared a few bites of warm chocolate cake with ice cream and chocolate drizzle with Jeremy.  And it was so freaking good.  It more than made up for the hour and a half we spent trying to watch Love Guru afterward.  My critical review?  Half a star.  Don’t bother watching unless you toke up first, which I decided must be a requirement we didn’t know about.

But I’m pretty sure, after a careful replay of my attitude yesterday, that it was the dang CORN.  Or corn syrup, to be exact.  I didn’t realize until now, how much improved my attitude has been since I’ve been off the corn.  I thought it was because I’d been following Love and Logic and its great results were the reason I wasn’t a big crab cake.  But no, I have no patience for things like empathy and a smile when I’ve had corn syrup.  And I felt like crap.  Everything about my life seemed harder to handle yesterday, and I was having flashbacks to my Post Partum Depression. 

So, moral of the story?  I won’t be having High Fructose Corn Syrup, even after I’m done breast feeding.  It turns me into a monster.  I’m so glad I know that now, before I scarred my children for life!  And before my husband left me for someone without a dark side.

Food Life in general

Free Chocolate! Contest Results

Can I get a drum roll please?

Alison decorated the basket with pretty pink yarn, just for your viewing pleasure.

The winners of the See’s Candies FREE CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY are…

Natalie and…

LiteralDan!  Which is hilarious because I found LiteralDan’s blog from his comments at Natalie’s blog.  What’s that they say about degrees of separation?

Thanks Sheasy, Black Hockey Jesus, Jenny, BOSSY, Les~, Jennifer,  Anna, Meg, Jennifer of Playgroups are No Place for Children, VDog, Beth, MadWomanMeg, and Shannon for helping me celebrate my 100th blog post!  All your desserts sounded SO yummy, and as soon as I’m done with the crazy allergy diet, I’m gonna go get me some of each.  Probably all at the same time.

In my gift card drawer I also found some loverly Christmas themed Starbucks cards, a buttload more See’s Candies cards and some babysitting cards from my sister.  I’ll be keeping those last ones for myself!  But the rest of them will be put up for the rest of you periodically, as long as Jeremy doesn’t discover them first.  So stay tuned!  Or stay… whatever it is people stay these days.

Food Products and Reviews

Get Your Free Chocolate!

In honor of my 100th blog post, (which I wrote yesterday, but let’s pretend THIS IS IT) I’m giving away a One Pound Gift Certificate for See’s Candies.  

One Lucky Winner (or maybe TWO) will receive one of these babies:

You could soon be stuffing your face full of the delectable yumminess that is See’s Candy.  It goes great with a glass of white wine, or so I’ve heard.  If you’re not familiar with See’s, go here: to see what you’ve been missing.  No See’s Candies near you?  Fret not, you can order online! 

All you have to do is share your favorite dessert in the comment section.    I’ll close the contest on Sunday Night so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.  And also, so that my sister isn’t the winner by default.  Don’t make it easy on her, people!  Jeremy will randomly pick the winner by drawing names out of his hat, or something like that.

Here, I’ll start:  I love a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream, topped with hot fudge.  It’s even better if I don’t have to share! 

Check back Monday morning for the winner.  Happy 100th blog post to ME!