Welcome to the Anonymous Bitch Fest! I’ve got a guest post that talks about the horrors involved with family finding your blog, thus putting an end to the anonymous bitch fest your blog was supposed to be on a daily basis. That being said – I’d love to hear some bitching from the rest of you. You can sign your name if you wish, but either way – rip your clothes off and run naked through the crowd! Figuratively speaking, of course.
Even if YOU don’t feel better afterward, the rest of us will. So quit being selfish and comment!
Naively, one of the reasons I started a blog was to bitch, anonymously. Sometimes it just helps to get it out, right?
The end, for me, came quickly. I had written a piece about a family event that I was pretty proud of and copied it to send to a couple of family members. Unknown to me, I left the link in the title and a computer-savvy family member (“CSFM” if you will,) clicked on it and “found” me.
Luckily everyone loved that piece, but I have come to hate that CSFM found me. This person and I don’t see eye to eye on just about anything. The election was horrible – many over-the-net arguments about this candidate or that issue. I am the recipient of emails linked to articles and videos that (primarily) I’ve seen and disagreed with.
CSFM is someone that is generally quite smart, but has turned into the internet and writing snob. I routinely get comments from CSFM about how I should be writing, or how often, or “look for ideas here!” Honestly, if someone else gave me the same advice it might be welcomed but since it comes from this particular someone it comes off as pompous, elitist, and assholish (totally a word, right?). CSFM thinks that theirs is the only opinion that matters.
Several years ago CSFM was diagnosed with a medical condition that is annoying, but not life threatening. It affects what we (as a larger family) can eat and serve when CSFM is around. This is not a life-threatening allergy, this person is not a child. Yet, when we all get together it is ALL OF OUR problem. Unfortunately, there are some other members of the family that completely bow to CSFM’s whims and play into the mentality of ‘me, me, me, me’. We are ‘forced’ to comply because woe is he/she that doesn’t bow to these needs. The wrath is truly horrible.
A few times over the last few years we have vacationed with this person, but last summer was the last time. My spouse and I have agreed to not vacation with CSFM/family anymore. The last time was wrought with food issues, mood swings, blatant disregard of our beliefs, and more. I refuse to put myself or my children in that situation any more.
Plus, when anyone tries to speak up about the elephant in the room we end up being the ones that are wrong, not CSFM. Figures. I have recently decided to ignore anything coming from this person-whether an email, blog comment, or otherwise, because I just really can’t handle it.
I really don’t want to feel this way. Life’s too short in many ways to allow someone so close to drop out of your life. But at what cost do you allow someone like CSFM to rule over all of your interactions? At what point do you say enough? For now, I have to say enough.
But I’m obviously not over it or I wouldn’t be writing anonymously, now, would I?