Kids Parenting

Back to Life, Back to Reality *Updated*

It’s Alison first day of First Grade.

I woke up after only two! hits of the snooze button, and didn’t let the discovery of an enormous zit on my face send me back to bed, as it would have if I were the one returning to school.

Because, you know, it wouldn’t be the first day of school without an eruption from Mount Vesuvius.

Blythe and I got ready quickly and excitedly, but Alison refused to get out of bed.


I had to promise her multiple treats.  A smoothie on the way.  A sucker after.  My left kidney.

I had to inform her that I would go to jail if she played hooky.  Yes, California is that serious about their test scores.

I had to dress her.  Which was about as fun as dressing a jelly fish.

I had to hold her down to run a comb through her hair.

I had to look at this face. 

smile encouragingly.

I had to trust that having her best friend in her class again this year would be enough to get her through the day.

I had to say goodbye, even though tears were streaming down her face and she was clinging to me for dear life.

I had to turn and walk away.

Knowing that she might cry now, but soon, she is going to be loving school just as she did last year.

I hope.

* Edited to add: It’s day 3, and she continues to drag her feet on our way to school, and clings to me at drop-off.  However, once the day gets started she has a blast and is happy at pick-up. Babysteps!

Blog Carnivals Kids

Wordless Wednesday: The Awwww Edition


                                       Blythe and her (borrowed) puppy

Entertainment Kids

Instant Entertainment

Our satellite receiver went out a couple of weeks ago.  At the time, we were worried about what the hell we were going to do for three whole days without TV, while we waited for the new one to arrive.

Oddly, we didn’t really miss it all that much.  Something about the sun shining, birds singing, blah blah blah.

The new one arrived a week and a half ago, and it sat there in the box, unopened, until this morning when we finally had a few spare hours minutes to read the directions and untangle a zillion cords.

It’s funny what a couple of weeks without television will do to you – and to your kids, for that matter. 

I give you:

Bubble Wrap, Instant Entertainment for the Whole Family.  Reality TV at its finest.

(Bubble Wrap from Andrea Edwards on Vimeo.)

We’ve spent more time enjoying the bubble wrap than the new receiver.  I wonder how long that will last?

Kids Parenting

Little Lady

I’m the parent of a First Grader.  A very, very proud First Grader.

Alison has grown so much since the first day of Kindergarten.

She’s made new friends,

and grown closer to her BFF.


She reads, she loves math, she creates, thanks to the encouragement of an amazing teacher.

Suddenly, as if some sort of “independence” switch was turned on inside of her, there is a Little Lady standing where a Little Girl stood, just a short time ago.

Since the last day of Kindergarten (which was Friday, by the way):

She let me take a nap, while she read a book to herself.

She got her own snack when she was hungry.

She dressed herself, every day.

She did her own hair.

She cleaned her own room.

She remembered to feed and water her chicks, all on her own.

She let me take a shower, do some work, and clean up around the house while her sister napped.

She has used her manners, without fail.

She has been incredibly considerate of her sister’s feelings and personal space.

Suddenly, I see the young woman she will one day become. 

She is beautiful beyond comprehension.

Allergies Health and Nutrition Kids

Project Allergy Cure: Take One

Yesterday Blythe and I had our first treatments with a homeopathic remedy called the BAX3000 by BioAllergenix, in an attempt to cure her of her food allergies.

Our appointment went well, although Blythe did cry.  Afterward, she rewarded (read: punished) the doctor for putting her through sitting still for two whole minutes by terrorizing the decorations in his office. And yes, that included the goldfish.

This particular treatment was for egg, a known allergen for Blythe.  The doctor recommended that we feed Blythe an egg for lunch today, and although I was freaking terrified, I did.

I kept the EpiPen handy because, hello!  Terrified!  But excited as well.

So, without further ado, I give you: Blythe’s first egg!

Me: Blythe!  Mama made you an egg!

Blythe:  Oooh!  Baby chicks!

Me:  No, no, not baby chicks.  An egg to eat.


Blythe:  (sniiiffffff)  Egg?

Me:  Want a bite?

Blythe: Baby chicks?


Me:  Not chicks, eggs!  It’s good!  Yummy eggs!


Me:  Come on, open up!  Don’t you know you’ve been deprived?

Blythe: I do it! 


Blythe: Here, Mama eat it.


Me:  Ok, I’ll have a bite.  Mmm!  Yummy eggs!  Now Blythe eat it!

Blythe:  Mmmmmm!

Me:  Now, any tingling?  Swelling?  How’s your tongue?  Let me examine you for a rash.  Let me listen to your breathing.  Sit here on the couch so I can stare at you.  Want to watch a movie?

Blythe:  Movie!


Verdict:  It’s been several hours, and she has not had a reaction as far as I can tell.  I’ll keep watching her for symptoms, but WOW!

I mean, WOW!  My kid just ate EGGS!

*She’s nekkid because I wanted to be able to spot a rash immediately, not because we’re refusing to run the air conditioner in an attempt to save money.  Mostly.